electrochemical potential

美 [əˌlɛktroʊˈkɛmɪkəl pəˈtenʃl]英 [ɪˌlɛktrəʊˈkɛmɪkəl pəˈtenʃl]
  • 电化学电位;电化学势;电化学位
electrochemical potentialelectrochemical potential
  1. Experimental study on electrochemical potential in the process of cavitation damage


  2. Furthermore , electrochemical potential noise was carried out to explore the relationship between the potential noise features and the tinplate structure .


  3. Electrochemical potential of pure metals in seawater flotation of pyrite pretreated by electrochemical ways under externally controlled voltages


  4. Bacterial flagellar motor is a kind of revolving molecular motor which converts electrochemical potential energy of H + into the mechanical energy of rotation .


  5. The principle and character of the nondestructive test method for steam turbine rotor steel were reviewed . A kind of improved nondestructive test method based on electrochemical potential technique was proposed .


  6. Diffusion behaviour of H atom in solidified microstructure of the metal hydride electrodes are investigated by using electrochemical potential step method and galvanostatic charge / discharge respectively .


  7. The PANI / C electrode is attempted to apply as negative electrode , the electrochemical potential window can be expand from 0.6 ? V to 1 ? V.


  8. Non-silicon cells usually have a built-in electrochemical potential that encourages the electrons to move away from areas where they are concentrated and towards places where they have more breathing space .


  9. Plant cell plasma membrane and vacuolar membrane H + - ATPase consumes ATP energy establishment of transmembrane proton electrochemical potential gradient , promoting a variety of ions and small molecule metabolites to transmembrane transport .


  10. In order to design appropriate SACP system , acknowledge of the electrochemical potential across condenser surface is necessary . At the same time , it is the important accordance of the optimization SACP design and evaluation of SACP protection quality .


  11. I-V characteristics of p-type Silicon electrode in HF solutions with different concentrations and electrochemical potential transients under galvanostatic condition , which accurately reflect the early-stage nucleation process of PS , were monitored by the electrochemical workstation ( CHI660A ) .


  12. Bayesian Regularized BP Neural Network Model for Quantitative Relationship Between the Electrochemical Reduction Potential and Molecular Structures of Chlorinated Aromatic Compounds


  13. Titanium sub-oxides conductive ceramic with excellent electrical conductivity , strong chemical stability and wide electrochemical stable potential window , which have good prospects in a variety of batteries .


  14. Study on Aniline Electrochemical Polymerization with Potential Scanning Ellipsometry


  15. With the electrochemical skills of potential steps , in the CO2 concentration ranging from 0 . 3 % - 50 % . in short absorption time .


  16. SO_2 Gas Electrochemical Sensor at Fixed Potential Using Solid Electrolyte of Proton Exchange Membrane Modified with Phosphoric Acid


  17. Cyclic voltammetry , electrochemical impedance spectrometry and potential step were used to test the electrochemical performance of these ionic liquid electrolytes on porous carbon electrode .


  18. The effect of various factors on the percentage of chelation was studied by spectroanalysis ( UV , IR ) and electrochemical analysis ( concentration potential ) .
